Bede Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Sharing the good news of God's mission

Grace Place

grace placegrace place interior

Grace Place is a coffee shop project in the Bede Circuit offering a welcome space and a free hot drink and cheese roll or cake and an opportunity to chat with staff and volunteers. The aim is to show our guests the face of Jesus, offering prayer, either through 'post it' notes or in person in the space we call 'The Chapel'. We provide practical support, resources and creative activities and welcome the homeless, those struggling with addiction, the lonely and those just passing by who fancy popping in for a chat.

We have two paid members of staff – Emma, who manages the coffee shop and Ian who is a community pioneer, offering pastoral support. He also offers a short devotional time before opening, called "Pause" and regular times of contemplation called "story and wondering" after closing on Wednesday afternoons

We're open three days a week,

Monday 11.00 to 3.00
Wednesday 11.00 to 2.00
Friday 11.00 to 3.00
Closed bank holidays

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Get In Touch

Rev'd Jane Carter

CIrcuit Administrator
Philip Carr

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Registered Charity no. 1134269